Chapter 11: diversity

The common theme in all these videos is diversity and showing the difference between a field of a single crop and the complexity of a mature ecosystem. Traditional farmers used many thousands of different seed varieties, where industrialised systems have standardised them.

Vandana Shiva speaks out against Genetic Modification as an eroding factor of our food diversity
Graham Bell is a UK permacutlure pioneer and was an early inspiration especially on forest gardens. He writes very well on the subject as well
Images only, wonderful tour of the Wakelyns Agroforestry Trust in Suffolk. In memory of Dr Martin Wolfe. This is what a 30 year old forestry farm looks like.
Brief visit, with commentary to a diversified subsistence farm; brings permaculture ideas into a traditional farm
Community orchard project, we have been slowly diversifying what was a plain field of pasture into a mixed diverse food forest, working with our community, schools and permaculture students
Between 2012-2015 we converted a suburban house and garden plot of 3 acres into a permaculture and horticulture training and demonstration centre. A focus on creating diversity for both nature and productivity whilst creating varied opportunities for community involvement.